Ammonia (NH 3 ) is a known potent neurotoxin commonly implicated in the development of hepatic encephalopathy (HE), a clinical marker of decompensated cirrhosis that produces a spectrum of neurological or psychiatric abnormalities. Furthermore, the development of HE is a significant predictor of mortality in patients with cirrhosis. 1 In a healthy individual with functioning hepatocytes, ammonia enters the portal circulation from the gastrointestinal tract and is subsequently converted to urea through the urea cycle (Fig. 1). Urea is then excreted physiologically via the colon or kidneys. However, in cases of severe hepatic dysfunction, or in the presence of blood shunting around the portal circulation, the burden of ammonia excretion falls on the kidneys, skeletal muscle, and brain. Under these circumstances, ammonia enters the systemic circulation, inhibits both excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials, and impairs neuronal function (Fig. 2). [2][3][4] By penetrating the blood-brain barrier through passive diffusion or mediated transport, ammonia can produce cerebral edema by facilitating the production of glutamine, an osmolyte; this complication is known to be most severe in acute liver failure. 4 Other factors, such as gastrointestinal bleeding, can enhance translocation of toxins from the portal to the systemic bloodstream. Cerebral edema, brain herniation, and seizures typically occur when acute hyperammonemia (i.e., in the setting of acute liver failure) leads to arterial ammonia levels greater than 200 μmol/L. 5 As a result, arterial ammonia monitoring, which does not correlate with venous ammonia levels, 5 is useful specifically in patients with acute liver failure.