We demonstrate that magnetic 3d impurities with S = 3/2 spins and no orbital degree of freedom induce changes of spin-orbital order in a 4d 4 Mott insulator with S = 1 spins. Impurities act either as spin defects which decouple from the surrounding ions, or trigger orbital polarons along 3d-4d bonds. The 4d-4d superexchange in the host J host competes with 3d-4d superexchange J imp -it depends on which orbital is doubly occupied. The spinorbital order within the host is totally modified at doping x = 1/4. Our findings provide new perspective for future theoretical and experimental studies of doped transitionmetal oxides. The well-known example are hole-doped La 1−x Sr x MnO 3 manganites with colossal magnetoresistance [3]. At low doping, orbital polarons emerge in an antiferromagnetic (AF) system by double-exchange mechanism [4], while at higher doping, spin order changes globally to a FM metal coexisting with an e g orbital liquid phase [5]. But a different scenario is also possible-frustrated spin-orbital interactions may lead in some cases to the collapse of any long range order and to a spin-orbital liquid suggested for LiNiO 2 [6]. However, spin and orbital energy scales are here quite different, and the reasons behind the absence of magnetic long range order are indeed more subtle and not yet fully understood [7].
KeywordsA rather unique example of a spin-orbital system are perovskite vanadates, where interesting competition between two types of spin-orbital order was observed [8]. The theoretical spin-orbital model describes an interplay between S = 1 spins and τ = 1/2 orbital doublet {yz, zx} active along the c axis [9], while xy orbitals are filled by one electron each. In addition, G-type AF (G-AF) order in YVO 3 is fragile and switches to C-type AF (C-AF) one in Y 1−x Ca x VO 3 [10], with staggered lines of one-dimensional (1D) FM order (Fig. 1), accompanied by G-type alternating orbital (G-AO) order. Already at low doping, x 0.02 finite spectral weight is generated within the Mott-Hubbard gap due to charge defects away from the VO 6 octahedra [11].