We study the noncommutative corrections to the entropy of the Reissner-Nordström black hole using a κ-deformed scalar probe within the brick-wall framework. The noncommutativity is encoded in an Abelian Drinfeld twist constructed from the Killing vector fields of the Reissner-Nordström black hole. We show that the noncommutative effects naturally lead to a logarithmic correction to the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy even at the lowest order of the WKB approximation. In contrast, such logarithmic corrections in the commutative setup appear only after the quantum effects are included through higher order WKB corrections or through higher loop effects. Our analysis thus provides further evidence towards the hypothesis that the noncommutative framework is capable of encoding at least some quantum effects in curved spacetime, although additional contributions will appear when the NC effects are fully incorporated in a gravity theory.