We construct noncommutative or 'quantum' Riemannian geometry on the integers Z as a lattice line ⋯ • i−1 − • i − • i+1 ⋯ with its natural 2dimensional differential structure and metric given by arbitrary non-zero edge square-lengths • i a i − • i+1 . We find for general metrics a unique * -preserving quantum Levi-Civita connection, which is flat if and only if a i are a geometric progression where the ratios ρ i = a i+1 a i are constant. More generally, we compute the Ricci tensor for the natural antisymmetric lift of the volume 2-form and find that the quantum Einstein-Hilbert action up to a total divergence is − 1 2 ∑ ρ∆ρ where (∆ρ) i = ρ i+1 + ρ i−1 − 2ρ i is the standard discrete Laplacian. We take a first look at some issues for quantum gravity on the lattice line. We also examine 1 + 0 dimensional scalar quantum theory with mass m and the lattice line as discrete time. As an application, we compute discrete time cosmological particle creation for a step function jump in the metric by a factor ρ, finding that an initial vacuum state has at later times an occupancy ⟨N ⟩ = (1 − √ ρ) 2 (4 √ ρ) in the continuum limit, independently of the frequency. The continuum limit of the model is the time-dependent harmonic oscillator, now viewed geometrically.2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 81R50, 58B32, 83C57.