Objective: Cisgender men's condom use resistance (CUR), deliberate attempts to avoid using a condom with a partner who wishes to use one, may include coercive strategies, such as deception and force, and places their partners at risk for unintended pregnancy and sexually transitted infections (STIs). This investigation used an alcohol administration design to examine one distal (history of unintended partner pregnancy) and two proximal (acute alcohol intoxication, condom use rationale) contributors to men's intentions to engage in coercive CUR. Method: Nonproblem drinking, cisgender men (N = 313) completed questionnaires, then were randomized to a beverage condition (control, placebo, low dose [.04%gm], and high dose [.08%gm]). Participants completed a sexual risk analog and reported their coercive CUR intentions after a hypothetical, female partner provided a condom use rationale (STI avoidance or pregnancy avoidance). Results: Men who received the pregnancy condom use rationale reported higher intentions to engage in coercive CUR when they received a high alcohol dose relative to sober men. For men who had a history of unintended partner pregnancy, receiving a pregnancy condom use rationale was associated with greater intentions to have forced, condomless sex if they received a high alcohol dose relative to sober men. Conclusions: Intoxicated men may be more likely to engage in coercive CUR; this may indicate that when intoxicated, pregnancy risks are less salient relative to STI-related outcomes. As reproductive rights are being decimated, effective interventions targeting CUR, particularly when intoxicated, are needed in tandem with policies that affirm one's ability to prevent and terminate pregnancy.
Public Health Significance StatementThe present study examined three contributors to men's intentions to use coercive strategies to avoid using a condom: (a) a history of having a partner have an unintended pregnancy; (b) alcohol intoxication; and (c) whether a partner wants to use a condom to prevent STIs or pregnancy. Results indicate that a history of unintended partner pregnancy is associated with intentions to have forced, condomless sex, when men are intoxicated and are asked to use a condom to prevent pregnancy. The results suggest that past unintended pregnancy may not deter intoxicated men from engaging in aggressive strategies to avoid condom use, even when there is a possibility of unintended pregnancy.