σ is the specific electrical conductivity; μ is the relative magnetic permeability; H is the magnetic field strength; H τ is the tangential component of the magnetic field; H τm is the maximum magnitude of H τ ; H nm is the maximum magnitude of the normal magnetic field component; t max is the magnetic field pulse rise time; d is the thickness of an object; MM is a magnetic medium; MH is a magnetic head; IMFT is an incremental magnetic field transducer; U is the electrical voltage; HI is the hysteretic interference of a magnetic field. The aim of the present study is to develop a hysteretic interference method for the inspection of objects that are made from electoconductive and magnetic materials, which increases the accuracy of determina tion of their specific electrical conductivity σ, magnetic permeability μ, uniformity of σ and μ distribu tions, thickness, and parameters of discontinuity flaws in the materials. In this case, the development of the aforementioned method is realized via the application of digital calculations that are performed with the Delphi programming language.The phenomenon of hysteretic interference of the magnetic field, which consists in the appearance of regular maxima and minima in the distributions of remanent magnetization of a magnetic medium that result from the action of different polarity magnetic field pulses applied to it, was considered in [1][2][3]. The possibilities of the selection of electroconductive objects based on the time constant of the transition process in applying rectangular magnetic field pulses to an object were discussed in [4], in which a tran sition process method was used and the induction flux through a test object was calculated.The remanent magnetization distribution in a MM depends on its magnetic properties, parameters of pulsed magnetic field, and spatial distribution of H τm and H τn components of applied field. In this case, both a single alternating polarity pulse and several single magnetic field pulses with alternating polarity Abstract-Equations that are used for the calculation and distributions of the electrical voltage U(t) output from a magnetic field transducer as it scans a discrete magnetic medium with recorded residual magnetic fields, which were produced in it by acting individual magnetic field pulses with opposite polarity surges, are reported. The distributions were obtained via the Delphi programming language. The phenomenon of hysteretic interference (HI) of a magnetic field, which allows one to increase the accuracy of measurements, is used for the inspection of objects made from electrocoductive and mag netic materials.Keywords: magnetic field strength, tangential component of the magnetic field strength, specific elec trical conductivity, magnetic permeability, magnetic carrier, inductive magnetic head