Entanglement distillation is an indispensable ingredient in extended quantum communication networks. Distillation protocols are necessarily non-deterministic and require advanced experimental techniques such as noiseless amplification. Recently it was shown that the benefits of noiseless amplification could be extracted by performing a post-selective filtering of the measurement record to improve the performance of quantum key distribution. We apply this protocol to entanglement degraded by transmission loss of up to the equivalent of 100km of optical fibre. We measure an effective entangled resource stronger than that achievable by even a maximally entangled resource passively transmitted through the same channel. We also provide a proof-of-principle demonstration of secret key extraction from an otherwise insecure regime. The measurement-based noiseless linear amplifier offers two advantages over its physical counterpart: ease of implementation and near optimal probability of success. It should provide an effective and versatile tool for a broad class of entanglement-based quantum communication protocols.The impossibility of determining all properties of a system, as exemplified by Heisenberg's uncertainty principle [1] is a well known signature of quantum mechanics. It results in phase and amplitude fluctuations in the vacuum, enables applications such as quantum key distribution and is at the heart of fundamental results such as the no-cloning theorem [2], quantum limited metrology [3], and the unavoidable addition of noise during amplification [4,5]. This last constraint means even an ideal quantum amplifier cannot be used for entanglement distillation [6][7][8] which is a critical step in the creation of large scale quantum information networks [9,10].Distillation protocols, originally conceived for discrete variables [6,7], proved initially more elusive in the continuous variable (CV) regime. The most experimentally feasible, and theoretically well studied, class of CV states and operations are the Gaussian states and the operations that preserve their Gaussianity [11]. Protocols that distill Gaussian states were discovered [8,12] involving an initial non-Gaussian operation that increases the entanglement followed by a 'Gaussification' step that iteratively drives the output towards a Gaussian state. More recently noiseless linear amplification has been identified as a simpler method of distilling Gaussian entanglement [13][14][15].The noiseless linear amplifier (NLA) avoids the unavoidable noise penalty by moving to a non-deterministic protocol. This ingenious concept and a linear optics implementation have been proposed [13,16,17] and experimentally realised for the case of amplifying coherent states [18][19][20][21], qubits [22][23][24], and the concentration of phase information [25]. All of these were extremely challenging experiments, with only Ref.[18] demonstrating entanglement distillation and none directly showing an increase in Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) correlations [26]. Moreover the succe...