Corn bran dietary fibre (CF) was paid more attention for its anticancer and hypolipidemic activities. In this paper, corn bran was firstly decomposed to the threadlike fibre (CF 1 ) by multiple enzymes and then further modified to the granular fibre (CF 2 ) by alkali under high pressure and high temperature (APT). The two types of fibres were characterized by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and near-infrared spectrophotometer (IR), and investigated by hydration measurements and nitrite adsorption assays. The results showed that CF 2 had more much specific surface area, and displayed 4.7, 6.3 and 30-fold increases in water retention (WR), swelling capacity (SC) and nitrite absorption (NA), compared with CF 1 , respectively. The rat feeding trials showed that the granular fibre could decrease total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG) and low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDLC) by 41.4 %, 20.7 % and 56.5 %, respectively. These excellent physiological activities indicate that CF 2 will be a potentially available dietary ingredient in functional food industries, and meanwile imply that the enzymochemical method is a desired strategy for CF processing.