The electric dipole approximation is widely used in atomic, molecular and optical physics and is typically related to a regime for which the wavelength is much larger than the atomic structure. However, studies have shown that in strong laser fields another regime exists where the dipole approximation breaks down. During the ionization process in intense laser fields and at long wavelengths the photoelectrons can reach higher velocities such that the magnetic field component of the laser field becomes significant. The ionization dynamics and the final momentum of the electron is therefore modified by the entire Lorentz force. In contrast the magnetic field interaction is neglected in the dipole approximation. Rapid developments in laser technology and advancements in the accuracy of the measurements techniques have enabled the observation of the influence of such non-dipole effects on the final angular photoelectron momentum distributions. More recently the number of studies on ionization beyond the dipole approximation has increased significantly, providing more important insight into fundamental properties of ionization processes. For example we have shown that the final three dimensional photoelectron momentum spectra is significantly affected by the non-dipole drift with the parent-ion interaction, the linear multiphoton momentum transfer on a sub-cycle time scale and the sharing of the transferred linear photon momenta between the electron and the ion. In this article we present an overview of the underlying mechanisms and we review the experimental techniques and the achievements in this field. We focus on ionization in strong laser fields in the regime where the dipole approximation is not valid but a fully relativistic description is not required.