The experimental data, when extrapolated t o zero feed volume and plotted on a vaporization-composition diagram like Figure 5, indicate the validity of the following generalizations:1. The change of residual spray composition with vaporization is a function of initial composition, chamber air tcmperature, and nozzle characteristics for the particular binary, in this case orthodichlorobenzrne-tctrachlorocth ylene.2. Thc other variables inyestigatedfeed pressure, feed temperature, and nozzle-to-tray distancc-have the effect of locating the position on the vaporizution-composition curve but do not affect the shape of the c'iirvc.The calculated rcsults for the binary based on the assumption of liquiddiffusion-controlling mass transfrr indicate the smaller droplets slowing down, increasing in temperature, changing in composition, and decreasing in radius more rapidly than the larger drops. Such behavior is consistent with experience.