We introduce a dynamical model of coupled directed percolation systems with two particle species. The two species A and B are coupled asymmetrically in that A particles branch B particles whereas B particles prey on A particles. This model may describe epidemic spreading controlled by reactive immunization agents. We study nonequilibrium phase transitions with focused attention to the multicritical point where both species undergo the absorbing phase transition simultaneously. In one dimension, we find that the inhibitory coupling from B to A is irrelevant and the model belongs to the unidirectionally coupled directed percolation universality class. On the contrary, a mean field analysis predicts that the inhibitory coupling is relevant and a new universality appears with a variable dynamic exponent. Extensive numerical simulations on small-world networks confirm our predictions. PACS numbers: 64.60.Ht,05.70.Ln,89.75.Da It is a challenging problem to establish the concept of the universality class in nonequilibrium phase transitions. In contrast to equilibrium systems, nonequilibrium systems lack a general framework to begin with and display too diverse critical phenomena to be classified into a few universality classes. Recently the absorbing phase transition has been attracting much theoretical interest since the universality class concept can be applied. It is a phase transition from an inactive (dead) phase into an active (live) phase, which may occur in systems with microscopic trapped (absorbing) states which the system, once trapped, cannot excape out of.Absorbing critical phenomena are categorized into a few universality classes depending on conservation in dynamics and symmetry between absorbing states (see for review Ref.[1]). The directed percolation (DP) class is the most well-established one, which encompasses a vast number of systems [2,3] . The contact process [4] is an archetype of the DP class. In this model, each lattice site is either empty ( / 0) or occupied by a particle (X). Each particle may annihilate spontaneously (X → / 0) or branch an offspring to a neighboring site (X → XX). The contact process was originally suggested as a model for epidemic spreading without immunization [4], where the particle represents an infected individual, who may recover spontaneously or infect its healthy neighbors. The vacuum state with all sites empty is the unique absorbing state, which is one of the key ingredients in the DP class.Recently, coupled DP systems have been studied extensively [5,6,7,8]. In particular, the unidirectionally coupled DP (UCDP) process introduced by Täuber et al. [7] was found to display a series of new multicritical phenomena. In the UCDP process, there are an infinite number of particle species X k with k = 0, 1, 2, · · · with dynamic rules characterized by X k → / 0, X k → X k X k , and X k → X k X k+1 . The coupling is unidirectional (upward), linear, and excitatory. The species X 0 is not affected by the others, hence its absorbing critical phenomena belong to the DP clas...