The theory of the I-V characteristics in diffusive superconductor/weak ferromagnet/superconductor (SFS) junction is developed. We show that the exchange field h of the ferromagnet manifests itself as an additional conductance peak at eV ∼ ∆ + h in the phase-coherent regime, when the Thouless energy is of the order of superconducting order parameter. The excess current exhibits non-monotonous dependence on the exchange field and non-trivial temperature behavior, which is strongly influenced by the temperature dependence of the exchange field.PACS numbers: 74.45.+c, 74.50.+r The recent progress in the experimental techniques has made possible the fabrication of mesoscopic structures on the nanometer scale. Hybrid structures containing superconducting and ferromagnetic elements offer an opportunity to generate and control coherent spin transport with otherwise conventional electronics. The equilibrium transport and proximity effect in such structures have been theoretically and experimentally investigated recently in details as for the case of weak ferromagnetic alloys so as for half-metals like CrO 2 1,2 .In particular, Josephson current in SFS junctions and T c of SF bilayers and multilayers have been investigated in details for the case of weak ferromagnetic alloys (see Ref.3 and references therein). Equilibrium density of states was also studied 4,5 . On the other hand, to the best of our knowledge, the nonequilibrium transport in SFS mesoscopic junctions has not been studied yet neither from theoretical nor from experimental point of view except for theoretical investigations of magnetic quantum point contacts 6,7,8,9 . We address our theoretical paper to the part of this problem and study the phase-coherent transport in diffusive voltage-biased SFS plane junctions. We consider interlayers made of a weak ferromagnetic material, in which the value of the exchange field h (measured in the energy units) is of order of superconducting order parameter ∆. In ferromagnetic alloys like CuN i, which have been intensively used by now for experimental investigation of equilibrium properties of SFS heterostructures, the exchange field is several times larger than ∆. On the other hand, it can be concluded from our analysis of the problem that for studying the I-V characteristics of SFS junctions, made on the basis of a weak ferromagnetic alloy, the most interesting case is h ∆. As far as we know, the work on the creation of appropriate alloys is in progress now, so we believe that this limit can be experimentally realized in the nearest future.The I-V characteristics of the superconductor/normal metal/superconductor (SNS) voltage-biased diffusive junction are studied theoretically in details mainly in two limits. The first one is the limit of short junction d ≪ ξ, where d is the length of the interlayer, ξ = D/∆ is the superconducting coherence length and D is the diffusion constant. In this regime the subharmonic gap structure (SGS) in the differential conductance dI/dV consists of a set of pronounced maxima at eV n =...