We report time-resolved measurements of the photoinduced change in reflectivity, R, in the Bi 2 Sr 2 Ca 1ÿy Dy y Cu 2 O 8 (BSCCO) system of cuprate superconductors as a function of hole concentration. We find that the kinetics of quasiparticle decay and the sign of R both change abruptly where the superconducting transition temperature T c is maximal. These coincident changes suggest that a sharp transition in quasiparticle dynamics takes place precisely at optimal doping in the BSCCO system. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.117005 PACS numbers: 74.25.Gz, 78.47.+p Pump and probe methods in optical spectroscopy have opened a new window on the properties of quasiparticles in cuprate superconductors and other highly correlated electron systems [1]. In experiments based on these methods, ultrashort pump pulses inject quasiparticles at densities that are continuously variable from well above to well below the thermal equilibrium level. Time-delayed probe pulses measure changes in the reflectivity or transmissivity that result from the presence of nonequilibrium quasiparticles, providing information about their recombination rates, transport, and optical properties. These studies have been carried out extensively in the cuprate superconductors, yielding a rich, complex, yet poorly understood array of experimental observations. One of the central observations, and possibly the most puzzling, has been the behavior of the quasiparticle recombination rate, , as a function of temperature, T, and photoinjected density, n ph . Two classes of behavior are found: in class (1) appears to vanish as T [2 -6] and n ph [2,5,7,8] tend to zero, while in class (2) remains essentially constant with decreasing T [9-11] and n ph [12]. Another, seemingly distinct, puzzle concerns the sign of the photoinduced change in sample reflectivity, R, which can be either positive or negative [2,9,13-15].Here we report measurements of R and in the Bi 2 Sr 2 Ca 1ÿy Dy y Cu 2 O 8 (BSCCO) system of cuprate superconductors as a function of hole concentration, x, that considerably clarify the conditions under which these behaviors appear. As discussed below, the key to successfully exploring the BSCCO system was to eliminate the effects of laser-induced heating. Once this is accomplished, we find that the dynamics change from class (1) to (2) at exactly x m , the value for which the superconducting transition temperature T c is maximal. Moreover, we find that the sign of R reverses at x m as well. These coincident changes suggest that an abrupt transition in quasiparticle dynamics takes place precisely at optimal doping in the BSCCO system.Time-resolved optical spectroscopy was performed using pump and probe pulses of photon energy 1.5 eV and duration 80 fs from a mode-locked Ti:Sapphire oscillator. Because the BSCCO crystals are optically thick at the laser wavelength of 820 nm, the changes in optical response were probed by measuring the reflected probe power. Figure 1 is a plot of the initial reflectivity change, R, normalized to the reflectivity R, as...