“…At equilibrium, the charge neutrality condition reads as , where , and are the equilibrium density of ions, electrons and dust particles, respectively, and is the number of excess electrons residing on the dust grain surfaces. We can reasonably neglect here the effect of dust charge fluctuation since the dust charging time period (of the order of a micro-second) is much smaller than the time period (of the order of a fraction of a second) of the dust-acoustic waves (Shukla & Mamun 2002; Shahmansouri & Tribeche 2013; Shahmansouri & Mamun 2014 a ; Shahmansouri 2013, 2014; Shahmansouri, Farokhi & Ashouri 2015; Shahmansouri & Mamun 2016). We are interested in studying the dynamics of electronegative dusty plasma expansion in the classical limit by employing the fluid hydrodynamic model.…”