Summary:The cardiokymograph, a relatively new noninvasive device capable of recording anterior left ventricular segmental wall motion, was used to evaluate the frequency and type of wall motion abnormalities in 25 normal patients and in 109 patients with ischemic heart disease. Of the 25 patients with normal coronary arteries and normal left ventriculograms, 24 had smooth systolic inward motion which morphologically resembles the normal pattern of systolic shortening as measured in experimental animals by various length gauges. In patients with angiographically established coronary artery disease but normal left ventriculograms and no previous myocardial infarction (MI), systolic outward motion was significantly more common than in normal patients. The most common systolic outward motion pattern seen in this group was partial outward motion characteristic of early stages of myocardial ischemia in experimental animals. In contrast, holosystolic outward motion, characteristic of severe ischemia in animals, was seen most commonly in patients with MI (72% anterior vs. 28% inferior). Thus, holosystolic outward motion was characteristic of MI especially when acute and involving the anterior wall, while partial systolic outward motion was the more common pat- tern in ischemic heart disease without MI, and systolic inward motion was the pattern most commonly seen in normals.