In the present work the ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) technique is applied in the study of cutaneous cell carcinomas in vitro, including superficial basal cell carcinomas (BCC) and Bowen disease (BD) cases. The evaluation was made by qualitative observation of UBM images, and by quantitative computation of integrated backscatter coefficient (IBC), obtained with a system working at a central frequency of 45 MHz. The characteristic histological structures for each studied tumor type were well identified in the images. The IBC values observed in the two carcinoma types inside the affected region, were different between them, next to 10(-4) [Sr(-1).mm(-1)] for superficial BCC tissues, and to 10(-5) [Sr(-1).mm(-1)1] for BD tissues; moreover, in the deeper dermis (slight affected region) the backscatter was next to 10(-3) [Sr(-1).mm(-1)] for both tissue groups, and agrees with the values obtained for healthy skin both, in this study and in previous works. The results here obtained encourage the continuation of the work, with a higher number of samples, attempting to obtain more significant results.