Patients with malignant hypertension (MHT) have persistent vascular dysfunction and a much worse clinical prognosis than non-MHT hypertensive patients, despite good long-term blood pressure (BP) control. We hypothesized that abnormal arterial (arterial elastance (Ea); arterial elastance index (EaI)) and ventricular (End-systolic elastance (Ees) and End-diastolic elastance (Eed)) elastances are present in treated MHT patients, compared with non-MHT hypertensive controls. Echocardiographic parameters of cardiac and vascular stiffness (EaI, Ees and Eed) were quantified in patients with stable MHT and treated 'high-risk' hypertension patients (HHT, but non-MHT). All patients had well-controlled BP, with a median follow-up time for MHT of 144 months. Ea was calculated from stroke volume and systolic BP and adjusted by body area (EaI). Ees was calculated using systolic and diastolic BP, stroke volume, ejection fraction, time intervals and estimated normalized ventricular elastance at arterial end diastole. Eed was calculated from Doppler parameters and the diastolic filling volume. Both study groups had preserved left ventricular contractility, with no significant differences on 3D-echocardiography (P ¼ 0.10) There were no significant differences in EaI (P ¼ 0.83), Ees (P ¼ 0.32), Eed (P ¼ 0.23) and arterial-ventricular interaction (Ees/Ea, P ¼ 0.69). In the MHT group, Eed positively correlated with age (r ¼ 0.56, P ¼ 0.38) and systolic BP (r ¼ 0.68, P ¼ 0.008). On multivariable regression analysis, MHT status was not predictive of the ventricular and Ea. Despite documented vascular dysfunction in patients with previously diagnosed stable MHT, the arterial and systolic elastances were similar to HHT patients, suggesting that adequate BP control in MHT patients allows preservation or restoration of normal arterial-ventricular coupling.