We show how to measure the structural witnesses proposed in [P. Krammer et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 100502 (2009)] for detecting entanglement in a spin chain using photon scattering. The procedure, moreover, allows one to measure the two-point correlation function of the spin array. This proposal could be performed in existing experimental platforms realizing ion chains in Paul traps or atomic arrays in optical lattices.Multipartite entanglement plays a crucial role in various tasks of quantum information, such as in multiparty quantum secret sharing [1] and in the computational speed-up in quantum algorithms [2,3]. This motivates the great interest in detecting entanglement in many-body systems. An experimentally feasible method to achieve this task for spin systems was recently proposed in Ref.[4] and later tested in a quantum optical experiment [5]. Such a method is based on the construction of entanglement witnesses related to structure factors operators and it is suitable to detect entanglement for various families of multipartite entangled states, such as the Dicke states, without the need of any a priori knowledge on the Hamiltonian describing the physical system under consideration. In this paper we discuss specifically how this method can be implemented in ion chains or atomic arrays in optical lattices. In addition, we propose how to measure all elements of the structure factor matrix, thereby allowing one to reconstruct the two-body density matrix of the spin system.We first briefly review the structural witnesses method and define the structure factor matrix. Consider a chain of N spin 1/2 particles which are ordered in a onedimensional array at the positions r i (i = 1, . . . N ). The structural witness method is based on the measurement of the 3 × 3 matrix S(q), which is a function of the transfered wave vector q and whose elements are given by the static structure factorsIn the above expression S α i is the α component of the spin operator of particle i at position r i (α = x, y, z) and the average is taken over the initial state of the N spins, whose entanglement is to be detected. As shown in Ref. [4], for different values of q and different linear combinations of S αβ (q) it is possible to detect different families of multipartite entangled states. For example, with the choice q = 0 one can construct the witness operator W Dwhere 1 denotes the identity operator for the N -qubit system andŜ αβ (q) = i