Flavor symmetry and symmetry breaking, K 0 -K 0 mixing and possible effects of new physics on CP violation in weak decay modes D ± → K S,L +X ± , (K S,L +π 0 ) K * +X ± (for X = π, ρ, a 1 ) and D ± s → K S,L + X ± s , (K S,L + π 0 ) K * + X ± s (for X s = K, K * ) are analyzed. Relations between D ± and D ± s decay branching ratios are obtained from the d ⇔ s subgroup of SU(3) and dominant symmetry-breaking mechanisms are investigated. A CP asymmetry of magnitude 3.3 × 10 −3 is shown to result in the standard model from K 0 -K 0 mixing in the final-state. New physics affecting the doubly Cabibbo-suppressed channels might either cancel this asymmetry or enhance it up to the percent level. A comparison between the CP asymmetries in D ± (s) → K S X ± (s) and D ± (s) → K L X ± (s) can pin down effects of new physics.1 Electronic address: ftlipkin@wiswic.weizmann.ac.il 2 Electronic address: xing@hep.physik.uni-muenchen.de 1 Effects of CP violation in weak decays of D mesons are expected to be rather small, of order 10 −3 or lower, within the standard electroweak model [1]. They can naturally be enhanced up to the O(10 −2 ) level, if new physics beyond the standard model exists in the charm-quark sector [2,3]. Although no new physics model suggests direct CP violation in charged D-meson decays, a search is cheap and easy when decays of charge-conjugate particles are measured [4]. Some efforts have so far been made to search for CP violation in the D system [5]. The experimental prospects are becoming brighter, with the development of higher-luminosity e + e − colliders and hadron machines [6,7].While a variety of mixing and CP -violating phenomena may manifest themselves in neutral D-meson decays [8], the charged D-meson transitions provide a unique experimental opportunity for the study of direct CP violation [6,9]. Some phenomenological analyses of CP asymmetries in charged D-meson decay modes have been made (see, e.g., Ref. [1,4] and Refs.[10] - [12]). In particular, the importance and prospects of searching for CP -violating new physics in the promising decays D ± → K S X ± and D ± → K S K S K ± , where X ± denotes any charged hadronic state, have been outlined in Ref. [4].In the present note we first consider flavor-symmetry relations between corresponding D ± and D ± s and then discuss both the non-negligible K 0 -K 0 mixing effect and the possible (significant) new physics effect on CP asymmetries in(for X = π, ρ, a 1 ) and(for X s = K, K * ) decays. The similar decay modes involving the resonance K * 0 orK * 0 , i.e.,are also considered. Within the standard model we show that CP violation in these processes comes mainly from K 0 -K 0 mixing and may lead to a decay rate asymmetry of magnitude 3.3 × 10 −3 . Beyond the standard model the CP asymmetries are possible to reach the percent level due to the enhancement from new physics. A comparison between the CP asymmetries ins) decays may pin down the involved new physics. Within the standard electroweak model the transitions in Eqs. (1) and (2) can occur t...