Nonleptonic decays or charmed baryons are discussed in the SU (8) @SU (:'\) co1oc quark model. The Lil=l/:2 rub of hyperon decay:i is explained by 15 and 20'' dominance and charmed baryon decays occur through 20" clommantly. Also X particles of coc;m1c ray event::; are Identified \Yitb charrned baryon~ or charn1ed 1nesons, respective1y, accorc]jng tn their lifetimes, and tk: charmed baryons are assrgned to A,+(cnp) and Az 0 (cni.), 3* of C = 1, 1 ':2+ baryon:-:;. l'vfore than ten years ago, SLT ( 4) was l1rst introduced 1 l as the symmetr\" group vvhich contains SU(3) as a subgroup. Then, it hild no experimental support. However the sitwttion has be'cn changed by the cosmic ray event observed by Niu, ~Iikumo and l\!Ieacla'J in 197]. et al. 3 l have proposed that this C'.-ent indicates the existence of a new q uantc:1 number; this quzEJtum num.ber is called cha:·m. Theoretically, and IVIaiani'J (GIJ\!f) have discussed that ch.:1rmed quark is also red in oi·der to understand JS = 2 and JS=foO, JQ = 0 weak processes. ')~Lis idea has been ca rriecl out." The disco\·eries of gzruge fheorists and rnany investigations haYc .!(:3.1)"' and cj/(3.7) 7 J ha\·e stimulated mc;·e ,. ,• l·callSUC discussion~ on ~.._)[I(4) sche111e. J:\ccordin~!, to this scherne the present authors haYc discussed the nonle;1tonic t\'. .>body weak of charmed mesonf, in Lhe qu:ul~ model.sJ In a previoclS paper, GLVI weak currents ancl Okubo-Zweig-Tizuka (OZI) rule 9 l are :cssumecl and two types of clizcgrams are considered as dominant diagrams. Furti1er the rates o£ the most probable decays of ocharmed mesons hal'e been calculat::d to be of the orcleT d 10 11 sec-\ which 1s far from the lifetime, -:c=4X10-11 sec, of tl1e first e\cent observed by Niu et al. In this paper \'\'e apply the previous model to nonleptonic decays of 1/2' charmed baryons, which may be alternative candidates for the event of Niu et d. This is rather straightforward application of the first model of the present authors.81' 10l The low-lying baryons (JP=~1;2~ and 3/2~) are described as 120 representa-at Australian National University on March 13, 2015 Downloaded from In order to calculate the amplitudes of baryon decays we ought to know the \Va\'e functions of baryons. Baryons are described as 120 ( =:J 56) of SU (8)