I. IntroductionIn civil aviation, many developments focus on improving the safety levels and reducing the risks that critical faults occur [1]. According to [2], loss of control in-ight is one of the three high-risk accident categories. Some recent accidents caused by actuator faults include [3] and [4]. To avoid these accidents, the ight control systems should be recongurable in the presence of actuator faults. This motivates the development of actuator Fault-Tolerant Control (FTC) systems. Apart from actuator faults, recent airliner accidents indicate that sensor faults can result in critical failures [5]. Some recent accidents caused by sensor failures include [6] and [7]. These examples highlight the importance of sensor Fault Detection and Diagnosis (FDD) systems. In the past few decades, many promising sensor FDD approaches have been proposed [813].Most sensor FDD approaches use the aircraft aerodynamic model, which calculates the aerodynamic forces and moments. Furthermore, these FDD approaches are usually designed based on linear time invariant systems [14]. The aerodynamic forces and moments acting on the aircraft can change signicantly under dierent ight conditions. To reduce the inuence of nonlinearities during the whole ight, a Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) system, which may explicitly contain information about the aerodynamic coecient variations over the ight envelope [15], can be designed. However, the modeling of this LPV system can be time-consuming. Alternatively, the aircraft kinematic model [12,13, 1618], which does not require the modeling of an LPV system,