Dyonic and magnetic black holes solutions with spherically symmetric configurations in general relativity are obtained. Black holes possessing electric and magnetic charges are studied where the source of the gravitational field is electromagnetic fields obeying the arcsinelectrodynamics. We find corrections to Coulomb's law and Reissner− Nordström solutions. The principles of causality and unitarity are investigated. We obtain the Hawking temperature and it was shown that at some event horizons there are second-order phase transitions. of relativistic magnetohydrodynamics [12]. The superconductivity was studied in [13] and thermodynamic properties of the dyonic BH were investigated in [14]. All these show the importance of studying dyonic BHs.In this paper we investigate the dyonic BH in the framework of the nonlinear arcsin-electrodynamics. The nonlinear electrodynamics (NED) can solve the problems of singularities in the origin of particles and the problem of infinite self-energy at the classical level. Born and Infeld (BI) [15] proposed the model of NED that can solve problems of singularities. Heisenberg and Euler have shown that QED due to loop corrections gives NED [16]. Then some NED models were appeared that possess similar properties [17]- [27]. NED's coupled to general relativity (GR) were studied in [28]- [40]. Thermodynamics of the BH and corrections to Reisner−Nordström (RN) solutions were investigated [41]- [48]. Electrically and magnetically charged BHs were studied [49]- [56]. It was demonstrated that phase transitions can occur in the BH. Inflation and current acceleration of the universe also can be explained by NED coupled to GR [57]- [66].The paper is organized as follows. The principles of causality and unitarity of arcsin-electrodynamics are considered in section 2. In section 3 the dyonic solution of the BH is obtained. Corrections to Coulomb's law and RN solutions are found. The curvature singularities are studied and we calculate the Kretschmann scalar. The thermodynamics of the BH is considered in section 4. The Hawking temperature of the BH is obtained. In section 5 we study the magnetically charged BH. We show that at some model parameters there can be naked singularities, extremal BH solutions and BH solutions with two horizons. The Hawking temperature and corrections to RN solution are found. We show the possibility of phase transitions in the BH. Section 6 is devoted to a conclusion.We use units with c = 1, k B = 1, and signature η = diag(−, +, +, +).