We study the pion condensation at the finite isospin chemical potential using a holographic QCD model. By solving the equations of motion for the pion fields together with those for the isosinglet scalar and isotriplet vector meson fields, we show that the phase transition from the normal phase to the pion condensation phase is second order with the mean-field exponent, and that the critical value of the isospin chemical potential μ I is equal to the pion mass, consistently with the result obtained by the chiral effective Lagrangian at Oðp 2 Þ. For a higher chemical potential, we find a deviation, which can be understood as a higher order effect in the chiral effective Lagrangian. We investigate the μ I dependence of the chiral condensate defined byσ ≡ ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi hσi 2 þ hπ a i 2 p. We find thatσ is almost constant in the small μ I region, while it grows with μ I in the large μ I region. This implies that the strength of the chiral symmetry breaking is not changed for small μ I : The isospin chemical potential plays a role to rotate the "vacuum angle" of the chiral circle tan −1 ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi hπ a i 2 =hσi 2 p with keeping the "radius"σ unchanged for small μ I . For the large μ I region, on the other hand, the chiral symmetry breaking is enhanced by the existence of μ I .