The results of the analysis of the structure and dynamics of unusual Pc1 geomagnetic pulsations, recorded at the Finnish pulsation magnetometer chain in the end of 24-th solar activity cycle, are presented. The discussed event was observed on 11 September 2017 in the late recovery phase of the severe magnetic storm that occurred on 7-8 September 2017. The storm recovery phase is typical time for the Pc1 pulsation generation. However, in course of this storm, only one Pc1 event was recorded with a very unusual complicated dynamic spectrum which was found to be similar at all five ground-based stations, spaced from 57 to 67° geomagnetic latitude. The Pc1 amplitude maximum has been observed at the lowest latitude station Nurmijarvi (NUR, L = 3.3). The theoretical interpretation of the behavior of this unusual of Pс 1 pulsation burst is presented.