The recently proposed concept of electric chiral magnonic resonator (ECMR) has been extended to include usage of spin–orbit torques (SOT). Unlike the original version of ECMR which was based on voltage controlled magnetic anisotropy (VCMA), the spin wave amplification power by this new version of ECMR (pumped by SOT) no longer depends on the phase of the incident wave, which is highly desirable from an application point of view. The performance of the SOT pumped ECMR has been compared with the case of amplification by applying SOT pumping directly to a waveguide (without any ECMR involved). It is argued that at the expense of narrowing the bandwidth (i.e., slower amplifier response), the advantage of the former configuration (amplification by a SOT pumped ECMR) over the latter (amplification by direct SOT pumping the waveguide) is to offer gain, while at the same time, maintaining system stability (avoidance of auto-oscillations). Non-linear behavior of the SOT pumped ECMR has been analyzed. It is demonstrated that by cascading a SOT ECMR operating in an off-resonance mode together with a VCMA biased passive ECMR, it is possible to produce a magnonic neuron with a transmitted signal magnitude larger than the input in the firing state.