Using a controllable quantum system to study another complicated or hard-to-control quantum system, quantum simulation provides a valuable tool to explore complex unknown quantum systems, which cannot be simulated on classical computers due to the exponential explosion of the Hilbert space. Among different kinds of physical realizations of quantum simulation, integrated optical systems have emerged as appropriate platforms in recent years, due to the advantages of flexible control, weak decoherence and lack of interaction in optical systems. In this review, we attempt to introduce some of the basic models used for quantum simulation in integrated photonic systems. The structure of this review article is shown as follows. Section 2 introduces the commonly used material platforms for integrated quantum simulation, including the silicon-based, lithium niobate-based integrated circuits and the femtosecond laser direct writing optical waveguides. Several integrated optical platforms such as the coupled waveguide arrays, photonic crystals, coupled resonator arrays and multiport interferometers are introduced. In section 3, we focus on the analog quantum simulation in the integrated photonic platform, including Anderson localization of light in disordered systems, various kinds of topological insulators, nonlinear and non-Hermitian systems. More concretely, section 3.1 is devoted to integrated photonic realizations of disordered and quasi-periodic systems. In section 3.2, we review integrated photonic realizations of the topological insulators with and without time-reversal symmetry, including Floquet topological insulators, quantum spin hall system, anomalous quantum hall system, valley hall system, Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model and photonic topological Anderson insulators. Besides, topological insulator lasers and topologically protected quantum photon sources are briefly reviewed. The nonlinear and non-Hermitian integrated optical systems are reviewed in section 3.3. In section 4, we introduce integrated digital quantum simulations based on the multiport interferometers, including the discrete-time quantum random walk, boson sampling and molecular simulation. In section 5, we summarize the content of the article and outlook on the future perspectives of the integrated photonic quantum simulation. We believe that integrated photonic platforms will continue to provide an excellent platform for quantum simulation. More practical applications will be found based on this system, combining the fields of topological photonics, laser technologies, quantum information, nonlinear and non-Hermitian physics.