Quantum chaos plays a significant role in understanding several important questions of recent theoretical and experimental studies. Here, by focusing on the localization properties of eigenstates in phase space (by means of Husimi functions), we explore the characterizations of quantum chaos using the statistics of the localization measures. We consider the paradigmatic kicked top model, which shows a transition to chaos with increasing the kicking strength. We demonstrate that the distributions of the localization measures exhibit a drastic change as the system undergoes the crossover from integrability to chaos. We also show how to identify the signatures of quantum chaos from the central moments of the distributions of localization measures. Moreover, we find that the localization measures in the fully chaotic regime apparently exhibit universally the beta distribution, in agreement with previous studies in the billiard systems and the Dicke model. Our results contribute to a further understanding of quantum chaos and shed light on the usefulness of the statistics of phase space localization measures in diagnosing the presence of quantum chaos, as well as the localization properties of eigenstates in quantum chaotic systems.