By treating combinatorial games as dynamical systems, we are able to address a longstanding open question in combinatorial game theory, namely, how the introduction of a "pass" move into a game affects its behavior. We consider two well known combinatorial games, 3-pile Nim and 3-row Chomp. In the case of Nim, we observe that the introduction of the pass dramatically alters the game's underlying structure, rendering it considerably more complex, while for Chomp, the pass move is found to have relatively minimal impact. We show how these results can be understood by recasting these games as dynamical systems describable by dynamical recursion relations. From these recursion relations we are able to identify underlying structural connections between these "games with passes" and a recently introduced class of "generic (perturbed) games." This connection, together with a (non-rigorous) numerical stability analysis, allows one to understand and predict the effect of a pass on a game.
arXiv:1204.3222v[math.CO] 14 Apr 2012Combinatorial games like Chess, Checkers, Go, Nim, and Chomp have been the focus of considerable attention in the fields of computer science, mathematics, artificial intelligence, and most recently, chaos and dynamical systems theory. In traditional combinatorial games (under "normal play"), two players alternate moves until one player reaches a terminal position from which no legal move is available, thereupon losing the game1 . An intriguing but surprisingly difficult question in combinatorial game theory centers on what happens when standard game rules are modified so as to allow for a one-time pass -i.e., a pass move which may be used at most once in a game, and not from a terminal position. Once the pass has been used by either player, it is no longer available. Although this question has been raised in various contexts (see, e.g., [1,2]), it touches upon some deep issues relating to the underlying structure and computational complexity of a game, and to date it remains largely unanswered. Indeed, the effect of a pass on even the simplest, most canonical of combinatorial games -Nim -remains an important open question in combinatorial game theory that has defied traditional approaches, and the late mathematician David Gale even offered a monetary prize to the first person to develop a solution for 3-pile Nim with a pass [4]. In this paper we show how tools from dynamical systems theory (wherein we treat "games with passes" as a type of dynamical system) can be used to address such issues.We take up this question of the effects of a pass via two well studied combinatorial games, 3-pile Nim and 3-row Chomp. The first of these games, 3-pile Nim, is a simple combinatorial game which has been fully solved (without the pass); a complete solution was presented byBouton over a century ago [5]. The second, 3-row Chomp (without the pass), is an unsolved, intrinsically more complex combinatorial game [6]. We find that the introduction of a pass has dramatically different effects on these two games. ...