We summarize some of the main results discovered over the past three decades concerning symmetric dynamical systems and networks of dynamical systems, with a focus on pattern formation. In both of these contexts, extra constraints on the dynamical system are imposed, and the generic phenomena can change. The main areas discussed are time-periodic states, mode interactions, and non-compact symmetry groups such as the Euclidean group. We consider both dynamics and bifurcations. We summarize applications of these ideas to pattern formation in a variety of physical and biological systems, and explain how the methods were motivated by transferring to new contexts Rene Thom's general viewpoint, one version of which became known as "catastrophe theory." We emphasize the role of symmetry-breaking in the creation of patterns. Topics include equivariant Hopf bifurcation, which gives conditions for a periodic state to bifurcate from an equilibrium, and the H/K theorem, which classifies the pairs of setwise and pointwise symmetries of periodic states in equivariant dynamics. We discuss mode interactions, which organize multiple bifurcations into a single degenerate bifurcation, and systems with non-compact symmetry groups, where new technical issues arise. We transfer many of the ideas to the context of networks of coupled dynamical systems, and interpret synchrony and phase relations in network dynamics as a type of pattern, in which space is discretized into finitely many nodes, while time remains continuous. We also describe a variety of applications including animal locomotion, Couette-Taylor flow, flames, the Belousov-Zhabotinskii reaction, binocular rivalry, and a nonlinear filter based on anomalous growth rates for the amplitude of periodic oscillations in a feed-forward network. Symmetry is a feature of many systems of interest in applied science. Mathematically, a symmetry is a transformation that preserves structure; for example, a square looks unchanged if it is rotated through any multiple of a right angle, or reflected in a diagonal or a line joining the midpoints of oppose edges. These symmetries also appear in mathematical models of real-world systems, and their effect is often extensive. The last thirty to forty years has seen considerable advances in the mathematical understanding of the effects of symmetry on dynamical systems-systems of ordinary differential equations. In general, symmetry leads to pattern formation, via a mechanism called symmetry-breaking. For example, if a system with circular symmetry has a time-periodic state, repeating the same behavior indefinitely, then typically this state is either a standing wave or a rotating wave. This observation applies to the movement of a flexible hosepipe as water passes through it: in the standing wave, the hosepipe moves to and fro like a pendulum; in the rotating wave, it goes round and round with its end describing a circle. This observation also applies to how flame fronts move on a circular burner. We survey some basic mathematical ideas that have ...