Nonlinear panel flutter oscillations at transonic and low supersonic flow speed demonstrate rich panel dynamics, which includes bifurcations of the limit cycle, coexisting of different limit cycles, and nonperiodic oscillations. Passing through the range of transonic Mach numbers to supersonic cruise speed should be sufficiently fast to avoid significant fatigue damage. In this study, the sequence of bifurcations of limit cycles when the flow speed is continuously increasing or decreasing is analyzed. The evolution of limit-cycle oscillations is carefully studied. It is shown that the most dangerous oscillation regimes, high-frequency periodic or nonperiodic oscillations, are suppressed if the flow acceleration is sufficiently fast. However, first-mode limit cycle and limit cycle involving internal 1:2 resonance are not affected by the flow acceleration, such that lower accumulation of the fatigue damage in fast accelerating flow is possible only because of fewer cycles of oscillations, but not because of the decrease of the limit-cycle amplitude.