HYDJET++ is a Monte-Carlo event generator for simulation of relativistic heavy ion AA collisions considered as a superposition of the soft, hydro-type state and the hard state resulting from multi-parton fragmentation. This model is the development and continuation of HYDJET event generator (Lokhtin & Snigirev, 2006, EPJC, 45, 211). The main program is written in the object-oriented C++ language under the ROOT environment. The hard part of HYDJET++ is identical to the hard part of Fortran-written HYDJET and it is included in the generator structure as a separate directory. The soft part of HYDJET++ event is the "thermal" hadronic state generated on the chemical and thermal freeze-out hypersurfaces obtained from the parameterization of relativistic hydrodynamics with preset freezeout conditions. It includes the longitudinal, radial and elliptic flow effects and the decays of hadronic resonances. The corresponding fast Monte-Carlo simulation procedure, C++ code FAST MC (Amelin et al., 2006, PRC, 74, 064901; 2008, PRC, 77, 014903) is adapted to HYDJET++. It is designed for studying the multi-particle production in a wide energy range of heavy ion experimental facilities: from FAIR and NICA to RHIC and LHC. PACS: 24.10.Lx, 24.85.+p, 25.75.Bh, 25.75.Dw, 25.75.Ld, 25.75
RAM: 50 MBytes (determined by ROOT requirements)Number of processors used: 1 Keywords: Monte-Carlo event generators, relativistic heavy ion collisions, hydrodynamics, QCD jets, partonic energy loss, flow, quark-gluon plasma PACS: 24.10. Lx, 24.85.+p, 25.75.Bh, 25.75.Dw, 25.75.Ld, 25.75.Nq Classification: 11.2 Elementary particle physics, phase space and event simulation
External routines/libraries: ROOT (any version)Subprograms used: PYTHIA event generator (version 6.401 or later), PYQUEN event generator (version 1.5 or later)
Nature of the physical problem:The experimental and phenomenological study of multi-particle production in relativistic heavy ion collisions is expected to provide valuable information on the dynamical behaviour of strongly-interacting matter in the form of quark-gluon plasma (QGP) [2][3][4], as predicted by lattice Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) calculations. Ongoing and future experimental studies in a wide range of heavy ion beam energies require the development of new Monte-Carlo (MC) event generators and improvement of existing ones. Especially for experiments at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC), implying very high parton and hadron multiplicities, one needs 2 fast (but realistic) MC tools for heavy ion event simulations [5][6][7]. The main advantage of MC technique for the simulation of high-multiplicity hadroproduction is that it allows a visual comparison of theory and data, including if necessary the detailed detector acceptances, responses and resolutions. The realistic MC event generator has to include maximum possible number of observable physical effects, which are important to determine the event topology: from the bulk properties of soft hadroproduction (domain of low transverse momenta p T < ∼ 1G...