A detailed theoretical study of the nonlinear dynamics of gyrokinetic particle simulations of electrostatic collisionless and weakly collisionai drift waves is pre sented. In previous studies it was shown that, in the nonlinearly saturated phase of the evolution, the saturation levels and especially the particle fluxes have an unexpected dependence on collisionality. In this paper, the explanations for these collisionality dependences are found to be as follows: The saturation level is deter mined by a balance between the electron and ion fluxes. The ion flux is small for levels of the potential below an E X B-trapping threshold and increases sharply once this threshold is crossed. Due to the presence of resonant electrons, the elec tron flux has a much smoother dependence on the potential. In the 2 ^-dimensional ("pseudo-3D") geometry, the electrons are accelerated away from the resonance as they diffuse spatially, resulting in an inhibition of their diffusion. Collisions and three-dimensional effects can repopulate the resonance thereby increasing the value of the particle flux.
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