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ABSTRACT (maximum 200 words)The thesis has two primary objectives. First, it develops a high-fidelity 6DOF flight dynamics model of a multi-copter UAV, and uses it for the design and implementation of the linear attitude controller onboard of an industrial quadcopter; both steps are implemented in Simulink. Second, it leverages the weakly joint efforts of MathWorks and the open-source community to build a software setup that enables rapid control software prototyping. This software architecture enables control system design and integration without the need for proficiency in embedded coding that typically utilizes high-level programming languages like C/C++. The higher impact of the dual objective is in advancing methods and tools of verifiable control system design and the embedded code generation that simplifies the V&V process.The 3DR Iris+ quadrotor, equipped with PX4 "Pixhawk" autopilot, is selected as the primary prototyping platform. The autopilot allows for the real-time execution of an application (attitude controller) that is autogenerated from MatLab/Simulink. This makes the Iris+ quadrotor an ideal platform for rapid flight control prototyping by using MathWork's auto code generation capability.Ultimately, the developed setup represents a convenient research and development tool that natively bridges the gap between the safety-critical flight control science and flight experimentation technology by "eliminating" the error-prone manual coding of embedded microcontrollers. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL September 2015Approved The 3DR Iris+ quadrotor, equipped with PX4 "Pixhawk" autopilot, is selected as the primary prototyping platform. The autopilot allows for the realtime execution of an application (attitude controller) that is auto-generated from MatLab/Simulink. This makes the Iris+ quadrotor an ideal platform for rapid flight control prototyping by using MathWork's auto code generation capability.