We report on the cascade of quantum phase transitions exhibited by tunnel-coupled edge states across a quantum Hall line junction. We identify a series of quantum critical points between successive strong and weak tunneling regimes in the zero-bias conductance. Scaling analysis shows that the conductance near the critical magnetic fields Bc is a function of a single scaling argument |B − Bc|T −κ , where the exponent κ = 0.42. This puzzling resemblance to a quantum Hall-insulator transition points to importance of interedge correlation between the coupled edge states. PACS numbers: 73.43.Jn, 73.43.Nq Edge states in the quantum Hall effect provide a highly tunable system for the study of quantum transport in one-dimension [1]. Following the prediction of chiral Luttinger liquids in the fractional quantum Hall effect [2,3], extensive effort has been devoted to the study of tunneling between quantum Hall edge states [4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]. Tunneling of an electron into a Luttinger liquid is strongly suppressed and theories predict a powerlaw tunneling conductance with a universal exponent related to the quantum number of the bulk quantum Hall liquid. Experimental studies of tunneling between edge states across a quantum point contact [8] and tunneling between an edge state and a three-dimensional metal [9,10] have generally tended to support the predicted Luttinger liquid behavior. However, there remain important open questions regarding the experimentally observed exponent and its correlation to the bulk quantum Hall states [11].A different and perhaps more intriguing geometry for the study of edge state tunneling involves a line junction that juxtaposes two parallel, counterpropagating edge modes against each other. Such a junction has been initially envisioned as a Hall bar with a long narrow gate that couples two right and left moving edge channels of fractional quantum Hall liquids [12,13]. In the limit of weak bias, the conductance across the line junction remains quantized as backscattering between the edge states is negligible. For strong bias, interedge backscattering is suppressed and the conductance across the line junction vanishes. In between the two limits, the inter-mode backscattering is mediated by defects in the line junction and a metal-insulator transition is predicted [12,13]. The transition is characterized by a temperature dependent conductivity that vanishes in the insulating phase and diverges in the metallic state in the limit of zero temperature.Confirmation of the predicted metal-insulator transition has remained elusive as lithographic limitations and vertical offset of the gates from the plane of twodimensional electrons complicate the realization of a linejunction. An alternate approach to a line junction involves taking advantage of the inherent atomic precision of molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and inserting a precisely defined semiconductor barrier in the plane of two-dimensional electron system through the technique of cleaved edge overgrowth [14,15]. Such a junction strongly couples...