Recent advances in laser spectroscopic techniques make it possible to obtain mass‐ and isotope‐selective infrared spectra of gas‐phase species at high resolution and reduced hot‐band spectral congestion. In these techniques, infrared excitation is coupled with ultraviolet multiphoton ionization and detection of the resulting ions in a mass spectrometer, which allows the separation of contributions of different isotopomers and, more generally, species of different mass in a mixture. In combination with jet cooling techniques, spectra are obtained for very cold molecules. These spectra can then be analyzed to extract information on dynamical processes such as intramolecular vibrational redistribution or tunneling and rearrangement processes, and on how intramolecular dynamics is influenced by vibrational excitation and isotope effects. In this review, we introduce isotope‐selective infrared spectroscopic techniques and present some selected applications on isotope effects and intramolecular dynamics of vibrationally excited chloroform, aniline, and benzene obtained by isotope‐selective infrared spectroscopy.