We report a record-size polariton condensate of a fraction of a millimeter. This macroscopically occupied state of macrosopic size is not constrained to the excitation spot and is free from the usual complications brought by high-energy reservoir excitons, which strongly alter the physics of polaritons, including their mobility, energy distribution and particle interactions. The density of this trap-free condensate is lower than 1 polariton/µm 2 , reducing the phase noise induced by the interaction energy. Experimental findings are backed up by numerical simulations using a hydrodynamic model which takes into account both the polariton expansion and the phonon-assisted relaxation towards the lowest energy state. These results propel polariton condensates at the fundamental level set by their cold-atomic counterparts by getting rid of several solid-state difficulties, while still retaining their unique driven/dissipative features.PACS numbers: 71.36.+c, 63.20.Ls, 67.25.dg, 42.50.Ct Under suitable conditions, light-matter interaction can be strong enough to drive the coherent exchange of energy between photonic and electronic modes [1]. This is the paradigm of microcavity exciton-polaritons: quasiparticles created by the strong coupling between the photonic mode of a microcavity and the excitonic transition of semiconductor quantum wells [2]. Polaritons manifest their composite nature with a combination of photonic and excitonic properties [3]. Thanks to their photonic component, polaritons can ballistically propagate in the plane of the microcavity with velocities up to a few percent of the speed of light [4]. On the other hand, the exciton component results in strong optical nonlinearities and induces an energy renormalization of the polariton dispersion at high densities [5]. This energy shift can be much larger than the linewidth and is at the foundation of most polaritonic effects and applications [6][7][8]. As bosonic quasiparticles, polaritons experiment final-state stimulated scattering, which results, above a density threshold, in a laser-like emission without population inversion, a collective phenomenon that is explained in the framework of Bose-Einstein condensation [9][10][11]. A unique feature of polariton condensates is their driven/dissipative nature, in which the steady state is reached through a dynamical balance of pumping and dissipation.Polariton condensate have been experimentally observed in different materials, both inorganic [12][13][14][15] and organic semiconductors [16,17], and thanks to their light mass, condensation is achieved also at room temperature [18]. However, differently from their atomic counterpart, these condensates suffer from dephasing and density fluctuations induced by the interactions with the exciton reservoir, effectively resulting in multimode condensates [19][20][21]. The exciton reservoir also acts as a trapping mechanism, if the polariton lifetime is too short, confining the condensation process within the region of the excitation spot [22][23][24][25]. Moreov...