A magnetometric technique is demonstrated that may be suitable for precision measurements of fields ranging from the sub-microgauss level to above the Earth field. It is based on resonant nonlinear magneto-optical rotation caused by atoms contained in a vapor cell with anti-relaxation wall coating. Linearly polarized, frequency-modulated laser light is used for optical pumping and probing. If the time-dependent optical rotation is measured at the first harmonic of the modulation frequency, ultra-narrow (∼ a few Hz) resonances are observed at near-zero magnetic fields, and at fields where the Larmor frequency coincides with half the light modulation frequency. Upon optimization, the sensitivity of the technique is expected to exceed 10 −11 G/ √ Hz.When light near-resonant to an atomic transition propagates through an atomic medium immersed in a magnetic field, the light polarization can be affected. For example, when a magnetic field is applied along the direction of light propagation, there is light-power-dependent rotation of the polarization plane known as nonlinear magneto-optical (Faraday) rotation (NMOR). Recently [1], we observed ultra-narrow (∼ 1 Hz) zero-field resonances in NMOR with rubidium atoms contained in vapor cells with high-quality anti-relaxation coating [2]. These resonances arise due to preservation of atomic polarization over thousands of collisions with the walls of the cell. The sensitivity of an NMOR-based magnetometer for sub-microgauss fields could, in principle, exceed 10 −11 G/ √ Hz [3], approaching the fundamental shot-noise limit (given the number of atoms in the cell and the polarization relaxation rate). In the present work, we describe a new technique that involves both inducing and measuring NMOR with a single frequencymodulated light beam. Additional ultra-narrow resonances are observed when the light modulation frequency coincides with twice the Larmor frequency, 2Ω L (and also with Ω L , etc.), the use of which can extend the dynamic range of an NMOR-based magnetometer to above the Earth field range (∼ 1 G) of interest in many applications.The high sensitivity of NMOR magnetometry is based in part on the ability of the polarimeter to measure small optical rotation angles. The sensitivity of polarimeters without modulation is limited by low-frequency noise. Therefore, the most successful polarimetric techniques always involve some type of fast modulation. In our previous work [1, 3], we used polarization-modulation polarimetry, where in addition to the vapor cell under investigation, a Faraday rotator is inserted between the crossed polarizer and analyzer. The Faraday rotator modulates the polarization direction at a frequency of ∼ 1 kHz, and the rotation angle is determined by measuring the first harmonic of the signal from a photodetector in the dark output of the analyzer. Such a method allows detection of signals at high frequencies, eliminating sensitivity to excess low-frequency noise. However, the polarization modulation technique has a number of shortcomings. Important...