In this paper, a non-linear strategy, based on the centre m anifold, the rational approxim ants and the alternating frequency/time domain method has been developed, in order to study the non-linear dynamical behaviour of a system in the neighbourhood of a critical steady state equilibrium point. The stability analysis and the non-linear dynam ics of a com plex braking system with a non-linear rotor/stator contact are presented. Moreover, one of the m ost im portant steps of this paper is the determination of the nonlinear behaviour and the limit cycle amplitudes of this complex system. In order to conduct this study, the dynam ic response is evaluated by using applying the centre m anifold, the rational approximants and the alternating frequency/tim e dom ain m ethod, that perm it to obtain rapidly and efficiently the non-linear behaviour of the system. The dynam ic response obtained by applying this m ethod is com pared with that evaluated through num erical integration.