Recently, non-local configurations have been proposed by adding beyond nearest neighbour couplings among elements in lattices to obtain roton-like dispersion relations and phase and group velocities with opposite signs. Even though the introduction of non-local elastic links in metamaterials has unlocked unprecedented possibilities, literature models and prototypes seem neither to provide criteria to compare local and non-local lattices nor to discuss any related rules governing the transition between the two configurations. A physically reasonable principle that monoatomic one-dimensional chains must obey to pass from single- to multi-connected systems is here proposed through a mass conservation law for elastic springs thereby introducing a suitable real dimensionless parameter
to tune stiffness distribution. Therefore, the dispersion relations as a function of
and of the
degree of non-locality
are derived analytically, demonstrating that the proposed principle can be rather interpreted as a general mechanical consistency condition to preserve proper dynamics, involving the spring-to-bead mass ratio. Finally, after discussing qualitative results and deriving some useful inequalities, numerical simulations and two-dimensional FFTs are performed for some paradigmatic examples to highlight key dynamics features exhibited by chains with finite length as the parameters
This article is part of the theme issue ‘Current developments in elastic and acoustic metamaterials science (Part 2)’.