“…In particular, a remarkable increase of the measurements technique resolution made it possible to experimentally detect such inter esting phenomena as flux avalanches [5], geometric quantization [6], flux driven oscillations of heat capacity [7], reentrant like behavior [8], manifesta tion of π contacts [9], R-C crossover [10], unusually strong coherent response [11], Josephson analog of the fishtail effect [12], geometric resonance and field induced Kosterlitz-Thouless transition [13]. Among the numerous theoretical predictions (still awaiting their experimental verification) one could mention electro and magnetostriction [14], field induced polarization effects [15], analog of magnetoelectric effect [16], nonlinear Seebeck effect and thermal con ductivity [17], stress induced effects [18], chemomag netism [19], magnetoinductance effects [20], implica tions of dipolar interactions for wireless connection between Josephson qubits [21] and for weakening of the Coulomb blockade [22], proximity induced superconductivity in graphene [23] and anomalous Josephson current in topological insulators [24].…”