The present work is the culmination of a series of investigations by the authors on the construction and validation of structural, thermal, and coupled structural-thermal reduced order models (ROMs) for the prediction of the displacements and temperature fields on a representative panel of a hypersonic aircraft during a particular trajectory. The focus of the present paper is first on the development and validation of an efficient strategy for enriching the thermal ROM basis to reflect the temperature distribution induced by the structural deformations through changes of the aerodynamics. Next, the assembly of the thermal and structural ROM bases and the identification of their coefficients is revisited for both cases of constant and temperature dependent coefficient of thermal expansion. The coupled ROM predictions are finally compared to those obtained from full structural and thermal finite element models and it is seen that the ROMs perform overall very well over the large temperature change during the trajectory, from room temperature to 2300F. The only exception to the accuracy of the ROMs is a mode switching event occurring for one of the finite element models but not for the ROMs. This issue is under continued investigation.