The effect of time-dependent perturbations on transport phenomena in disordered systems has been studied in various contexts, such as the destruction of localization, 1) the suppression of the interference effect,
2)and the effect of temperature.
3)In general, timedependent perturbations destroy the phase coherence. In fact, a numerical study of the dephasing effect by a time-dependent perturbation in two-dimensional disordered systems has been performed by Nakanishi et al.
4)They have investigated the effect of the timedependent on-site potential oscillating with a frequency ω and demonstrated that the ω-dependent correction to the conductivity takes an universal form in the metallic regime. In the present work, we study a different type of time-dependent perturbation, namely the timedependent transfer-integrals. It is expected that this type of perturbation is more representative for the effect of temperature.We consider a two-dimensional disordered system with spin-orbit interaction, which belongs to the symplectic universality class.5) The system exhibits the Anderson transition 6, 7) even in two dimensions. We numerically evaluate the conductivity as a function of the frequency of the perturbation using the equation of motion method. In the metallic regime, it is examined whether the universal ω-dependent correction to the conductivity can be observed also for the present type of perturbation. For the critical regime, we find that the frequency dependence of the conductivity can be described by the one-parameter scaling.The model we adopt is the Ando model 8) extended to the case where transfer-integrals oscillate with a frequency ω. The Hamiltonian is given by To examine the diffusion of an elecrton in such a system, we solve the time-dependent Schrödinger equation numerically using the method based on the decomposition formula for the exponential operators.9, 10) Numerical simulation is performed with the system size 299 × 299. To prepare the initial wave packet, we carry out numerical diagonalization for a sub-system of radius L = 21 located at the center of the system. Then the eigenstate having the eigenvalue closest to E F /V = −1 is assumed to be the initial wave packet. The time step is set to be δt = 0.2 /V . The quantity we observe is the second cumulant of the wave packet defined byIf the time evolution of the wave packet can be described by the diffusion equation, the second cumulant would grow in proportion to time t as (∆r(t)) 2 = 4Dt, where D is the diffusion coefficient. The conductivity σ is estimated from the diffusion coefficient D using the Einstein relation σ = e 2 ρ(E F )D, where ρ(E F ) is the density of states at the Fermi energy.First, we consider the metallic regime. In Fig. 1, we show the ω-dependence of the conductivity when ∆V Since it has also been obtained for the case of oscillating on-site random potential, 4) it is suggested that this correction to the conductivity is universal in the metallic regime for the two-dimensional symplectic systems. The present universality of th...