In order to meet the high uniformity calibration requirements for scientific-grade, large-size space detectors used in the CHES Extrasolar Planet Exploration Mission, this paper presents the design of a wide dynamic range, high uniformity spectral irradiance source (WHUIS). Utilizing a cascade integrating sphere design, and optimizing the overlapping area radiant flux adjustment structure and illumination light path, we achieve a wide dynamic range and high uniformity irradiance output. We established an irradiance transmission model based on the new assumption and analyzed the influence of factors such as illumination distance, stray light, and non-uniform radiance on the uniformity of irradiance output. The model is then validated by building experimental equipment. The findings show that in a circular area of 40 mm, the irradiance uniformity of our light source system exceeds 99.9%, and constant color temperature is adjustable within six orders of magnitude, consistent with the uniformity level predicted by the model.