Kopelevich and Esquinazi Reply: In their Comment, Miu, Jakob, and Adrian [1] have questioned a nonlocal origin of the in-plane voltage measured in YBa 2 Cu 3 O 72x (Y123) high-T c films with electrodes situated outside the electrical current path [2].(1) The authors [1] claim that the nonlocal voltage V 56 ͑I, T ͒ due to vortex-antivortex dynamics should be undetectable in the configuration used in [2]. In particular, a very short characteristic range for the vortexantivortex interaction L 2l L ͑T ͒ 2 ͞l c was calculated, i.e., L͑T ϳ T ub ͒ ϳ 4 mm assuming the effective correlation length along the c axis l c equal to the film thickness t Ӎ 400 nm. T ub is the vortex-antivortex unbinding temperature (88.97 K for sample 1 and 88.5 K for sample 2 [2]). However, in the vicinity of T ub the threshold current I c ͑T ͒, due to a finite Josephson interplane coupling, is negligibly small [2], suggesting that at T ϳ T ub the decoupling of the superconducting CuO 2 layers takes place. Hence, the correlation length l c at T ϳ T ub should be much smaller than the film thickness t. At large enough measuring currents and/or T . T ub the correlation along the c axis disappears (see Ref.[12] in [2]), l c reduces to the spacing between the superconducting layers s ϳ 1 nm, and one gets L . 1.5 mm at T . T ub for both samples 1 and 2, which is comparable to the length of the films. Therefore the nonlocal voltage V 56 ͑I, T ͒ should be detectable at T ϳ T ub , as was found [2]. We stress that the sample characteristics such as, e.g., O content, may influence the correlation length. Our measurements, performed on Y123 films having a finite I c ͑T ͒ up to T c0 (sample 3 in [2]) and hence larger l c , have revealed a much smaller nonlocal V 56 ͑I, T ͒ signal indeed (see Fig. 5 in Ref. [2]).(2) The authors [1] pointed out that the mixed state that is supposed to arise from the magnetic field generated by the applied current I 14 may influence the measurements. Let us assume that at large enough currents the measured V 23 ͑I 14 ͒ characteristics originate from the flow of the field-induced vortices. Then, we have, e.g., at T 91 K, the linear "flux flow" resistivity r L 96 mV cm (see Fig. 4 in Ref. [2]). The local current I 14 100 mA generates a self-field (in the region between contacts 1 and 4) H 2I 14 ͞c p wt͞2 Ӎ 11 Oe [3], where w is the film's width. According to Bardeen-Stephen and Nozieres-Vinen models r ff r n ͑H͞H c2 ͒, where the upper critical field near the superconducting transition temperature H c2 ͑T ͒ Ӎ ͑dH c2 ͞dT͒ ͑T c0 2 T͒, and r n is the normal state resistivity. With T c0 92 K, the onset superconducting transition temperature [at T , 92 K, nonlinear I-V characteristics were measured at intermediate currents (Fig. 4 in Ref.[2]), indicating that the film is in the superconducting state], r n ͑T ϳ T c0 ͒ 115 mV cm, and dH c2 ͞dT 2 T͞K [4,5], we calculate r ff ϳ 6.3 3 10 22 mV cm at T 91 K, which is several orders of magnitude smaller than the measured resistivity r L