Nonlocal constitutive relations promise to homogenize metamaterials even though the ratio of period over operational wavelength is not much smaller than unity. However, this ability has not yet been verified, as frequently only discrete structures were considered. This denies a systematic variation of the relevant ratio. Here, we explore, using the example of an electric dipolar lattice, the superiority of the nonlocal over local constitutive relation to homogenize metamaterials when the period tends to be comparable to the wavelength. Moreover, we observe a breakdown of the ability to homogenize the metamaterial at shorter lattice constants. This surprising failure occurs when energy is transported across the lattice thanks to a well-pronounced near-field interaction among the particles forming the lattice. Contrary to common wisdom, this suggests that the period should not just be much smaller than the operational wavelength to homogenize a metamaterial, but, for a given size of the inclusion, there is an optimal period.