A controlled quantum system can alter its environment by feedback, leading to reduced-entropy states of the environment and to improved system coherence. Here, using a quantum-dot electron spin as a control and probe, we prepare the quantum-dot nuclei under the feedback of coherent population trapping and observe their evolution from a thermal to a reduced-entropy state, with the immediate consequence of extended qubit coherence. Via Ramsey interferometry on the electron spin, we directly access the nuclear distribution following its preparation and measure the emergence and decay of correlations within the nuclear ensemble. Under optimal feedback, the inhomogeneous dephasing time of the electron, T Ã 2 , is extended by an order of magnitude to 39 ns. Our results can be readily exploited in quantum information protocols utilizing spin-photon entanglement and represent a step towards creating quantum many-body states in a mesoscopic nuclear-spin ensemble. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.130503 The interaction between a qubit and its mesoscopic environment offers the opportunity to access and control the ensemble properties of this environment. In turn, tailoring the environment improves qubit performance and can lead to nontrivial collective states. Significant steps towards such control have been taken in systems including nitrogenvacancy centers coupled to 13 C spins in diamond [1], superconducting qubits coupled to a microwave reservoir [2], and spins in electrostatically defined [3][4][5] and selfassembled [6] quantum dots (QDs) coupled to the host nuclei. In InGaAs QDs, the hyperfine interaction permits spin-flip processes to occur between a confined electron and the QD nuclei. Optical pumping of the electron spin induces a directional flipping of nuclear spins leading to a net polarization buildup [7]. The resulting effective magnetic (Overhauser) field can be as strong as 7 T [8], leading to significant shifts of the electron-spin energy levels [8][9][10][11]. In contrast to other systems, the polarization of this isolated mesoscopic ensemble can persist for hours [12]. Coupling the electronic energy shifts to the optical pumping rate closes a feedback loop [13][14][15][16] that allows for the selection of the degree of nuclear-spin polarization.A spectrally sharp version of such stabilizing feedback is achieved through coherent population trapping (CPT), when driving the Λ system formed by the two electronspin states and an excited trion state of a negatively charged QD [6,[17][18][19][20], as depicted in Fig. 1(a). Deviations from the dark-state resonance lead to a preferential driving of one of the two optical transitions, inducing an electron-spin polarization that pulls the Overhauser field back towards a lock point set by the two-photon resonance [ Fig. 1(a), bottom panel]. The narrow spectral feature defined by the electronic dark-state coherence thereby carves out a reduced variance Overhauser-field distribution from the initial thermal state with the prospect of improved qubit coherence, as inferr...