The calculations of the radial distributions of charge particles in positive column in narrow gas discharge tubes are presented. At that the balance equation and Poisson's equation have been solved without condition of the quasineutrality of plasma. The calculations shows that in narrow gas discharge tubes the concentration of the not compensated space positive charge at the center may be much greater than concentration of the electrons at the center.One of the basic assumptions made in researches of the physical processes in a positive column (PC) of a glow discharge is that the gas-discharge plasma of the PC is electroneutrality in volume, i.e. the density of the not compensated space charge Q is small in comparison with density of ions i N and electrons e N :is broken in a double layer (near to walls) and in regime with very low density of the charged particles, i.e. in such form of positive column, which is referred to as "subnormal". Process of transition in a mode subnormal positive column, which takes place at small current density, is accompanied by transition from ambipolar to free diffusion of the charged particles. However this analysis are limited to approximation of the constant ratio of ions and electrons concentrations. Independence of this ratio on radial coordinates is not always true and suits only as the approached estimations. The main aim of the present paper is to examine radial distributions of charged particles in the gas discharge plasma of PC in narrow tubes without condition of the quasineutrality of plasma and as well as condition of the constant ratio of ions and electrons concentrations on radial coordinates. It is assumed that the electron and gas temperatures are constants (that is local approximation for electron energy [3,4]). The pressure of neutral gas is sufficiently high for the mean free paths to be small compared to tube radius.The necessary condition for existence of a steady state in gas discharge is the maintaining of electron and ion concentrations to be constant in time. In the PC plasma of glow discharge the balance conditions of the charged particles numbers are determined by processes of ionization of neutral atoms by electron collisions and subsequent their recombination on the tube walls. In this case, for the stationary discharge of cylindrical geometry, the balance equations may be written as 1 ( ) , er i e d r N r dr ν ⋅ = ⋅ 1 ( ) ir i e d r N r dr ν ⋅ = ⋅ (1) where er , ir are the radial current densities of the electrons and positive ions respectively, i ν is the ionization frequency of neutral atom by an electron. As we deal with stationary state in a uniform cylindrical column, symmetrical about the axis, Maxwell's equations 0 rotE = and 4 ( ) i e divE e N N π = − reduce to longitudinal field ( ) z E r const = and equation for radial field