In this paper we explore possible extensions of Interacting Dark Energy cosmologies, where Dark Energy and Dark Matter interact non-gravitationally with one another. In particular, we focus on the neutrino sector, analyzing the effect of both neutrino masses and the effective number of neutrino species. We consider the Planck 2018 legacy release data combined with several other cosmological probes, finding no evidence for new physics in the dark radiation sector. The current neutrino constraints from cosmology should be therefore regarded as robust, as they are not strongly dependent on the dark sector physics, once all the available observations are combined. Namely, we find a total neutrino mass Mν < 0.15 eV and a number of effective relativistic degrees of freedom of N eff = 3.03 +0.33 −0.33 , both at 95% CL, which are close to those obtained within the ΛCDM cosmology, Mν < 0.12 eV and N eff = 3.00 +0.36 −0.35 for the same data combination. PACS numbers: 98.80.-k, 95.35.+d, 95.36.+x, 98.80.Es.