The generalized Fradkin-Tseytlin counterterm for the (type I) Green-Schwarz superstring is determined for background fields satisfying the generalized supergravity equations (GSE). For this purpose, we revisit the derivation of the GSE based upon the requirement of kappasymmetry of the superstring action. Lifting the constraint of vanishing bosonic torsion components, we are able to make contact to several different torsion constraints used in the literature.It is argued that a natural geometric interpretation of the GSE vector field that generalizes the dilaton is as the torsion vector, which can combine with the dilatino spinor into the torsion supervector. To find the counterterm, we use old results for the one-loop effective action of the heterotic sigma model. The counterterm is covariant and involves the worldsheet torsion for vanishing curvature, but cannot be constructed as a local functional in terms of the worldsheet metric. It is shown that the Weyl anomaly cancels without imposing any further constraints on the background fields. In the case of ordinary supergravity, it reduces to the Fradkin-Tseytlin counterterm modulo an additional constraint.Ten-dimensional supergravities arise in string theory as low-energy effective theories describing the dynamics of massless string excitations. The universal bosonic sector common to the type I and type II theories comprises the metric, the dilaton and the Kalb-Ramond two-form. Recently, string backgrounds have been found, which satisfy a more general set of field equations called the generalized supergravity equations (GSE), the most prominent feature of which is the absence of a scalar dilaton. The GSE were found in [1] in the context of integrable deformations of the AdS 5 ×S 5 type II superstring sigma model [2][3][4][5], which are closely related to non-Abelian T -duality transformations [6][7][8][9]. 1 Subsequently, they were derived from the requirement of kappa-symmetry of the Green-Schwarz (GS) sigma model in superspace [12], correcting the long-standing conjecture or conviction that on-shell supergravity is not only sufficient [13] but also necessary for invariance under kappa-symmetry of the GS action. In fact, the result obtained by Tseytlin and Wulff [12] shows that kappa-symmetry of the GS action requires the background supergravity fields to satisfy the GSE. This resolves a related puzzle for the deformed sigma model [14]. 2 The GSE have also been studied in the context of double field theory [19,20] and exceptional field theory [21].As mentioned above, the main difference between the GSE and ordinary supergravity is the absence of a scalar dilaton, although on-shell supergravity configurations are special solutions to the GSE. More precisely, there are two fields, a "dilatino" χ α and a vector X a which, in the special case of supergravity, are given by χ α = ∇ α Φ and X a = ∇ a Φ, respectively. These fields are common to both, the type I and type II, cases. The type II equations involve, in addition, a Killing vector K a , which, combined with a...