The Chirikov resonance-overlap criterion predicts the onset of global chaos if nonlinear resonances overlap in energy, which is conventionally assumed to require a non-small magnitude of perturbation. We show that, for a time-periodic perturbation, the onset of global chaos may occur at unusually small magnitudes of perturbation if the unperturbed system possesses more than one separatrix. The relevant scenario is the combination of the overlap in the phase space between resonances of the same order and their overlap in energy with chaotic layers associated with separatrices of the unperturbed system. One of the most important manifestations of this effect is a drastic increase of the energy range involved into the unbounded chaotic transport in spatially periodic system driven by a rather weak time-periodic force, provided the driving frequency approaches the extremal eigenfrequency or its harmonics. We develop the asymptotic theory and verify it in simulations. 05.45. Ac, 05.45.Pq, A weak perturbation of a Hamiltonian system causes the onset of chaotic layers in the phase space around separatrices of the unperturbed system and/or separatrices surrounding nonlinear resonances generated by the perturbation itself [1][2][3]: the system may be transported along the layer random-like. Chaotic transport plays an important role in many physical phenomena [3]. If the perturbation is weak enough, then the layers are thin and such chaos is called local [1][2][3]. As the magnitude of the perturbation increases, the widths of the layers grow and the layers corresponding to adjacent separatrices (either to those of the unperturbed system, or to separatrices surrounding different nonlinear resonances) reconnect at some, typically non-small, critical value of the magnitude, which conventionally marks the onset of global chaos [1][2][3] i.e. chaos in a large range of the phase space which increases with a further increase of the magnitude of perturbation. Such scenario often correlates with the overlap in energy between neighbouring resonances calculated independently in the resonant approximations of the corresponding orders: this constitutes the celebrated empirical Chirikov resonance-overlap criterion [1][2][3].But the Chirikov criterion may fail in time-periodically perturbed zero-dispersion (ZD) systems [4-6] (cf. also studies of related maps [7,8]) i.e. systems in which the frequency of eigenoscillation possesses an extremum (typically, a local maximum or minimum) as a function of its energy. In such systems, there are typically two resonances of one and the same order [9], and their overlap in energy does not result in the onset of global chaos [5][6][7][8]. Even their overlap in phase space results typically, instead of the onset of global chaos, only in reconnection of the thin chaotic layers associated with the resonances while, as the amplitude of the time-periodic perturbation grows further, the layers separate again (with a different topology [5][6][7][8]) despite the growth of the width of the overa...